Camping equipment stores offer a wide selection of equipment designed specifically for outdoor lovers, ensuring that you are well-prepared for your next expedition. These stores stock all the essentials, such as cookware, sleeping bags, tents, and other gear. You can get top-notch gear made for more than a few environments and conditions, whether or not you are an experienced hiker or a weekend camper. Expert advice on choosing the appropriate gear for your trip can be obtained from knowledgeable staff members. Stores that sell camping tools prioritise functionality and sturdiness to make sure that you have all you need for a cosy and safe out of doors experience. Use the simple guide provided by Shout N Australia to find the top retailers of camping gear. We have compiled a list of the best locations to purchase all of your camping necessities, such as tents, sleeping bags, kitchenware, and survival supplies. You'll discover everything you need for an amazing outdoor excursion, thanks to our guidance. Also, use our selection to explore Brisbane's top cafés.

1. Tentworld

Tentworld has been a leading supplier of camping equipment since 1968. With more than 50 years of experience, they provide a large assortment of gear from reliable companies like Oztrail, Blackwolf, and Engel, including tents, swags, refrigerators, and outdoor furniture. At their three Brisbane locations—Brendale, Browns Plains, and Archerfield—knowledgeable team members are ready to assist clients in selecting the appropriate equipment for their travels. Best Camping Equipment Stores Brisbane ensures a seamless shopping experience, both in-store and online, by focusing on delivering excellent service, affordable prices, and prompt shipping.
Name Tentworld
Contact No. 1300 836 896
Address 903 Beaudesert Rd, Archerfield QLD 4108
Social Media Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, Linkedin
Services offered 4x4 Accessories, Hiking & Travel Gear, Sleeping Bags, Tents, Rooftop Tents
Payment Mode Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Direct Deposit, PayPal, Zip Pay
Working Hours Monday - Wednesday: 9am–5pm
Thursday: 9am–7pm
Friday: 9am–5pm
Saturday - Sunday: 9am–4pm
Experience N/A
Google Review: “I haven’t bought a tent from there but in the same store in Sydney. However last Sunday I’ve stopped over due to a issue with my roof top tent Darche. As I was going for a trip I needed a quick solution which David done quickly and with such professionalism. Big thank you and recommend.” – Matthieu Charbonnier

2. Anaconda Logan

Anaconda Logan
Anaconda Logan, best gear for camping Brisbane is still a major destination for outdoor camping gear. Since its founding in 2004, Anaconda has grown to become the biggest camping and adventure emporium in Australia, providing a vast array of premium, eco-friendly equipment made to withstand the harshest weather conditions in the country. For your next adventure, Anaconda has everything you need, from camping and hiking gear to 4WD gear, fishing, cycling, and water sports accessories. It provides all that is required. Fishing in stores with knowledgeable, enthusiastic staff and novel experiences like ski simulators, Anaconda guarantees that clients receive gratuities and top-notch service. When it comes to responsibly sourced outdoor gear and amazing value, Anaconda is the best option in Brisbane for all your outdoor gear requirements. It is an all-in-one store.
Name Anaconda Logan
Contact No. 1300 558 990
Address Logan Mega Centre 3525, Pacific Hwy, Slacks Creek QLD 4127
Social Media Facebook, Youtube, Instagram
Services offered Camping Tents, Hiking Tents Accessories, Sleeping Bags Sale, Hiking Mats Sale, Travel Bags, Camping Stoves, Camping Fuel & Fire Sale
Payment Mode Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Zip Pay, Google Pay, Apple Pay, After Pay
Working Hours Monday - Wednesday: 8am–7pm
Thursday: 8am–9pm
Friday: 7:30am–9pm
Saturday: 8am–6pm
Sunday: 8:30am–5pm
Experience N/A
True Local Review: “Visited Anaconda on Thursday afternoon and picked up a great camp bed at a good price. It was easy parking and was able to getback onto the SE Freeway easierly.” – bmurray225

3. Paddy Pallin

Paddy Pallin
Since its establishment in 1930, Paddy Pallin has been a reputable brand in outdoor goods. All around Australia, hikers, tourists, and adventure seekers increasingly turn to Paddy Pallin because of their reputation for offering strong, lightweight gear. The site includes high-stop outdoor apparel and gear from the largest names within the global, including technical items like light-weight tents, trekking packs, and sleeping bags. Paddy Pallin, who specialises in all-outdoor pursuits, is dedicated to offering great customer support and knowledgeable advice, making sure your each trip is well organized. Discover the finest camping gear available from Paddy Pallin, the premier outdoor equipment retailer in Brisbane.
Name Paddy Pallin
Contact No. 1300 654 259
Address 120 Wickham St, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006
Social Media Facebook, Instagram
Services offered Tents Sale, Sleeping Bags & Liners Sale, Sleeping Mats & Pillows Sale, Stoves & Kitchenware Sale, Camp Bathroom Sale, Camp Furniture Sale
Payment Mode Visa, PayPal, Mastercard, Zip Pay, Amex
Working Hours Monday - Friday: 9am–5:30pm
Saturday: 9am–5pm
Sunday: 10am–5pm
Experience N/A
Trip Advisor Review: “I’m always pleased to purchase from Paddy Pallin. The products are high quality, reasonable price, and the staff always are genuine and helpful.” – Greg Nunn

4. Down Under Camping

Down Under Camping
Down Under Camping has been providing top-notch camping gear since 1972. The shop is famous for its extensive collection of products; it sells the whole lot from patio furniture and kitchenware to tents, swags, and trekking equipment. Down Under Camping carries reputable brands like Coleman, Engel, and Oztrail in an effort to help customers get ready for a wide range of outdoor activities. Today, they are the go-to company for outdoor enthusiasts in Brisbane due to their commitment to offering top-notch customer service, informed advice, and reasonable prices. To buy everything you need for camping, you can shop in-store or online.
Name Down Under Camping
Contact No. (07) 3299 2720
Address 25 Moss St, Slacks Creek QLD 4127
Social Media Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram
Services offered Tent Poles Sale, Sleep Gear Sale, Sleeping Bag Liners Sale, Sleeping Bags Sale, Backpacking Tents Sale, Camping Tents Sale
Payment Mode Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Direct Deposit , PayPal, Zip Pay, Google Pay
Working Hours Monday - Friday: 9am–5pm
Saturday: 9am–3pm
Sunday: Closed
Experience N/A
True Local Review: “The ever helpful staff John Josh and the young lady make our shopping an absolute pleasure… Nothing is a hassle.” – Herbie and Elmo

5. Great Escape Camping

Great Escape Camping
Best Camping Equipment Stores Brisbane, part of Great Escape Camping, has been a trusted source for outdoor gear since 1975. Relocated to Wynnum in 2018, the store expanded its offerings to include hunting and fishing products alongside its wide range of camping equipment. Known for expert advice and exceptional customer service, the experienced staff are outdoor enthusiasts themselves, using the products they recommend. Stocking top brands at competitive prices, Great Escape Camping ensures customers get the best deals, offering price matching on items found cheaper elsewhere. Visit them for all your outdoor adventure needs.
Name Great Escape Camping
Contact No. (07) 3893 0726
Address 124 Glenora St, Wynnum QLD 4178, Australia
Social Media Facebook
Services offered Hiking Footwear Sale, Packs & Bags Sale, Hiking Tents Sale
Payment Mode Mastercard, Amex, PayPal, Visa, Zip Pay
Working Hours Monday - Friday: 9am-5pm
Saturday: 9am-12pm
Sunday: Closed
Experience N/A
Google Review: “ Fantastic business where you deal with real, friendly people! Great customer service and product selection are top tier. Have always checked their site when looking for deals. They will go above and beyond to find what youre looking for.” – S O

6. Wynnum Tactical and Outdoors

Wynnum Tactical and Outdoors
For outdoor enthusiasts, Wynnum Tactical and Outdoors is a popular location. To ensure that clients are prepared for any trip, the company provides a large assortment of top-notch camping gear, surplus military gear, and tactical supplies. Everything is made with dependability and performance in mind, from reliable cooking tools and work clothes to robust tents and sleeping bags. Additionally committed to sustainability, the store is attempting to reduce its carbon footprint. Adventurers seeking dependable equipment and a sense of community will love Wynnum Tactical and Outdoors’ professional advice and support for regional organisations.
Name Wynnum Tactical and Outdoors
Contact No. (04) 8114 8877
Address 235 Bay Terrace, Wynnum QLD 4178, Australia
Social Media Facebook
Products Outdoor Gear, Tents, Sleeping Bags, Backpacks, Cookware
Payment Mode Cash, Visa, Mastercard
Working Hours N/A

Google Review: “Great little shop. Absolutely packed with outdoor items. Lovely lady at the counter was very friendly and helpful” – Barbara Elliot

7. Brisbane Camping Hire

Brisbane Camping Hire
Brisbane Camping Hire is a premier rental company located in the heart of Brisbane that offers top-notch camping and hiking equipment to travellers in South East Queensland and beyond. They make outdoor travel more affordable by providing everything from full camping packages to individual gear like tents and sleeping bags, all without requiring a significant upfront investment. Brisbane Camping Hire makes the work easy and pressure-free by way of offering convenient pickup and shipping alternatives in less than 20 minutes. Furthermore, they plant a tree with every rental, allowing you to take advantage of the extraordinary outside while also helping the environment.
Name Brisbane Camping Hire
Contact No. (04) 2220 6661
Address 263 Gregory Terrace, Spring Hill QLD 4000, Australia
Social Media Instagram, Facebook
Products Outdoor Gear, Tents and Sleeping Bags, Backpacks and Cookware, Beach Essentials, Battery Power Banks
Payment Mode Cash, Visa, Mastercard
Working Hours Monday: 7am - 8pm
Tuesday: 7am - 8pm
Wednesday: 7am - 8pm
Thursday: 7am - 8pm
Friday: 7am - 8pm
Saturday: 7am - 8pm
Sunday: Closed
Experience N/A
Google Review: “Great tenting gear rental services. I needed a last minute hire and Nick has done his best to accommodate despite short notice. Easy to deal with and very reasonable pricing with quality gears. Highly recommended!” – Johnny Shin

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