Health Benefits Of Green Tea

by Admin

Green tea, also known as unoxidized tea, is made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. Just like any other non-herbal tea, it is native to China, Tibet, and northern India, which are the world’s most productive tea-growing regions. It is a dietary beverage that can be prepared very easily, making it one of the best ways to stay healthy by incorporating it into your daily routine. As a health supplement, adding it to one’s daily health regimen may provide relief from many chronic issues such as cancer, low blood pressure, stress, anxiety, etc.

Green tea has become a new health mantra as it contains different types of enzymes like carbohydrates, lipids, and some compounds such as catechin, gallocatechin, epicatechin, epigallocatechin, epicatechin gallate, and epigallocatechin gallate, making it the ultimate health bonanza for all.

Green tea is a nutritional punch that contains lots of enzymes, making it a zero-calorie beverage. This highly nutritious, light-coloured detox drink is also used in many medication processes that can help detoxify and release unwanted acids from the human body. Its availability in all different flavors—jasmine, mint, etc.—makes it even more interesting to try out.

Keep on reading, as in this blog we’ve covered the numerous health benefits one can get from consuming green tea.

Benefits Of Consuming Green Tea

Not just one or two, but the number of ways green tea can aid an individual to uplift their health is so many. Let it be your mind, tummy, circulatory system, and respiratory system; all are equally protected and made better by the consumption of this health tonic.

1. Helps to Relieve Anxiety and Stress

Helps To Relieve Anxiety And Stress

Taking green tea prevents anxiety and stress. Theanine, an amino acid present in this healthy drink, makes it much safer than tea or coffee, as both of them contain some sort of caffeine substance. Green tea reduces mental stress, producing a relaxing effect. It also improves the sleep cycle, which further relaxes our mind to get rid of unwanted thoughts and, as a result, keeps the mood and mind fresh.

2. Safeguards Your Mental Health

Safeguards Your Mental Health

Green tea also safeguards an individual from cognitive decline, in which the mind does not perform better functions and just gets stuck on baseless things. In many of the studies conducted, it was concluded that consumption of green tea lowered the chance of cognitive impairment in many middle-aged and older people by almost 64%. This healthy beverage prompts mental clarity, improves cognitive function, and relaxes the individual both physically and mentally by boosting their stimulating power with a recognizable memory status.

3. Helps In Weight Loss

Helps In Weight Loss

Green tea plays a very vital role in our lives as it aids the body in the process of digesting food and converting it to usable energy. Thereafter, it stimulates the process of weight loss by detoxifying the body, as it helps to release many fat substances from the body. Green tea contains many substances that boost the metabolism and break down belly fat and other unwanted fat, which in turn helps us reduce weight.

4. Lowers Cholesterol

Green tea helps to reduce bad cholesterol, which is a predominant reason for increasing the risk of heart attack. A single cup of green tea taken on a daily basis can help an individual reduce his cholesterol levels. In turn, it also lessens the risk of facing various cardiac issues, like strokes and heart attacks. Catechins and other antioxidant compounds present in this wonder tea aid in lowering the LDL and total cholesterol levels in an individual, thus improving the overall process of blood circulation. 

5. Might Decrease The Risk of Cancer

Might Decrease The Risk Of Cancer

While there is no clear evidence that regular consumption of green tea can treat cancer, many studies suggest that having it might reduce the risk of being affected by some cancers in the future. The way it does this isn’t clear enough, but as per various sources, it’s said that this is made possible by preventing the damage being done to the DNA. Taking green tea regularly might also boost your immune system, which will in turn help the body fight cancer.

6. Resolves Many Skin Issues

Green tea helps to treat and even reverse many skin-related problems, as it contains antioxidants that prevent those issues. One can use it as a supplement in their daily routine as a face pack by making a paste out of it and applying it to the face. For those with oily skin, acne issues, or open pores, using it will definitely give them very good results. It works wonders on the facial skin as it closes the pores, creates sebum, and even repairs damaged skin cells that are damaged by harmful UV rays.

7. Improves Oral Health

Adding green tea to your diet. You have a great effect on oral health. It prevents bad breath, gum disease, and cavities. As we know, green tea reduces bad bacteria. And it repairs our gums and lessens the cause of bleeding. It may be helping to cause bad breath, but it is present in many flavors—mint, ginger, lemon, and so on—that help us fight bad breath.

8. Improves The Function Of The Circulatory system

This magical, healthy tea is found to be effective in reducing the risk of circulatory diseases as well, which are formed by white blood cells found in arteries and veins. Being high in antioxidant content and EGCG, it keeps the cardiovascular system healthy and fresh and helps to break up the plaque that further restricts contraction of the blood vessels.

9. ​Lowers Blood Pressure

Lowers Blood Pressure

As per various studies, it was concluded that green tea really also works wonders to provide better short-term impacts on reducing blood pressure. Its good effects weren’t limited to just causing a significant decrease in the systolic blood pressure; rather, they affected the total and LDL cholesterol levels as well. So, if you are an individual facing issues regarding blood pressure, then make sure to add green tea to your daily diet.

10. Better Relaxation and Mood

Better Relaxation And Mood

There’s a compound called L-theanine found in green tea that is quite effective in promoting cognitive function and relaxation as well. To back this fact, there was a review published in the journal Phytomedicine in 2017 in which various researchers arrived at the conclusion that green tea works wonders to limit anxiety, and it increases an individual’s attention span as well.

11. Also Controls Blood Sugar Levels

Controls Blood Sugar Levels

Various research studies have suggested that the consumption of green tea can help an individual improve their blood sugar management and their insulin sensitivity as well. Plus, green tea also has various anti-inflammatory properties, and it also decreases gut inflammation and permeability in various individuals. 

When Is the Best Time To Drink Green Tea?

Just using the right brand of green tea won’t yield you any benefits if taken at the wrong time. Plus, consuming it at the wrong time might have certain negative side effects instead of doing any good. As per various experts, the best time to take green tea is early in the morning in place of coffee. Caffeine and L-theanine present in green tea help an individual improve their levels of concentration and mood, allowing them to kick-start their day in the best way possible.

Tips To Enjoy Your Green Tea In A Better Way

One might get bored after drinking the same-flavored green tea on a regular basis and might need to look for some ways to make it better. This way, they will be able to get the most health benefits it offers while enjoying its better taste. Here are some ways in which you can make your normal green tea a lot better.

  • Go for adding some ice cubes to make it more refreshing, and enjoy it served cold.
  • Opt for adding your favorite creamer, or just go add a splash of milk to it.
  • To avoid tasting its natural bitterness, you can always add a bit of honey with lemon.
  • To get some warmth from it, add ginger or some other spices to it.
  • While brewing your green tea, add some crushed tulsi leaves to it and get its benefits as well.
  • If consuming it daily seems boring to you, go for it with some healthy snacks like roasted makhana, a handful of roasted chana, soya chips, or oat biscuits.

How to Store Green Tea for Longer?

Bearing a dry form, green tea leaves often tend to pick up nearby odors very rapidly and hence need special attention in respect to their storage. Thus, one needs to give them particular attention while storing them so that the dry leaves remain fresh and full of flavor. This way, you’ll also be protecting them from inode smells and light that might reduce their lifespan. Following are some points to keep in mind while storing green tea at home.

  • Green tea is damaged by sunlight and humidity, so make sure to keep it in a cool or dry place.
  • Choose the right container to store them in which the air may not pass.
  • The best way to safeguard it from any possible spoilage is to store it in a resealable plastic bag and then place it in the refrigerator. This way, the minimum degradation will be done to the tea.

By keeping these steps in mind, we can take a very good cup of green tea, which makes for a perfect day.

Precautions To Keep In Mind While Consuming Green Tea

Being a healthy choice for daily consumption doesn’t mean anyone can consume it on a daily basis in any quantity and at any time. There are certain precautions that one needs to keep in mind prior to adding it to their daily routine. Some of these safety measures are as follows:

  • If you are planning to take green tea for the very first time, prefer taking it in smaller quantities.
  • Drink at least 3 cups of green tea a day to resolve your health issues, but only after consulting a certified doctor or health practitioner.
  • Avoid drinking green tea on an empty stomach or late in the evening, as it could upset your stomach.
  • Avoid taking green tea as it is; add some honey, any sugar syrup, or milk substances that may be suitable for your taste buds.
  • Don’t take it after a quick meal, as it will dilute the gastric juices, disturbing your stomach and causing indigestion.
  • Don’t reuse any tea bags.
  • Pregnant women and breastfeeders should avoid consuming green tea as it might pass into the breast milk.
  • A diabetic person should not take green tea with any additives, as it might increase their sugar levels.

To Summarise

Green tea has several health benefits, which include reducing cancer issues and improving oral health, stress, blood sugar, cardiovascular problems, and bones. Green tea is also clinically suggested because it can boost your metabolism and help us fight unwanted diseases. Adding green tea to your daily schedule contributes to better health. Nowadays, the generation is becoming more health-conscious. It manages our dead cells and boosts our immune system, so without any hesitation, make green tea a part of your daily life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, if consumed in a moderate amount, that is, around 5 cups, green tea can be safe for most people.
To reap the maximum health benefits, one should drink around three to five cups of green tea on a daily basis.
Make sure to take it in an adequate amount so that the antioxidants and other compounds present in it, such as tannins and flavonoids, can benefit you properly.
Some people might come across its side effects due to the caffeine present in it. The most common side effects consist of irritability, anxiety, tremors, and sleeping problems as well.
Try taking it either in the morning, 1-2 hours after breakfast, or late in the afternoon, 1 to 2 hours past your lunch, to reap the most benefits from it.
Most people can take green tea before sleep as it might boost their cognitive thinking, while others may experience sleep disturbances due to the presence of caffeine in it.
The best way to take green tea is either between meals or after a meal, as taking it on an empty stomach may cause nausea, burning sensations, stomach pain, or even constipation in some individuals.

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